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A member registered Jun 01, 2017

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Something might be wrong with cheat detection - it froze once when i tried to cheat, but other times was fine.

Otherwise fun game.

New progress update for my project is now available as well.

"Mirror Escape" Dev log 1: first successes

This also will be my first game made with Unreal Engine 4. I must say, using its C++ interface feels like traversing a very convoluted maze. Blueprints on the other hand are very easy to use and fast to learn. Not everything can be made with them though :(

Also if someone wants to help me with creation of 3D assets, I will be grateful. I know how to use Blender, but i'm not an artist by any definition(just look at that hand model :) )

Are those screen space reflections? Then it's clear why the mirrors look like this - they can't reflect stuff that isn't in screen space(i.e. that which is not rendered on your screen like stuff behind you). UE4 also supports planar reflections, maybe those would be better for you

in a way, indirectly yes

(1 edit)
Are we allowed to post screw-ups?

First try at making "mirror" effect (+10 points if you know what's happened here, don't look in video description)